Year in Review: 2017
Year in Review: 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Thought we'd round out the year with some cold hard facts. Numbers, lists, items... think it would be fun to do a somewhat audit of the past year for both of our knowledge! I hope you all have an AMAZING New Year and I will see you in 2018!!
Favorite Things I Bought This Year (in no order): Most Clicked on Items: This Lace Midi Dress (back in stock)
Most Purchased Item: Ralph Lauren Wool Coat (still in stock)
Most Popular Blog Series: What I Wore to Work
Top 5 Blog Posts (post from earlier this week!)
Our Top 5 Favorite Places to Shop: My Favorite Sponsored Post: Our year long partnership with Tidy Cats!
My Top Followers (they are here daily and comment!): Louella Reese and Dana Mannarino
Covering the Bases By the Numbers... Top 5 Blog Traffic Rankings: Most Liked Instagram's of 2017:

- Nordstrom
- Lilly Pulitzer
- J. Crew Factory
- LL Bean
- J. Crew
- 35% YoY Blog Traffic Growth
- 30% YoY Commission Growth
- 230 blog posts
- 350 Instagram posts
- Franish the Blog

To Whomever is Reading This: Thank you. I know it might not *seem* like I'm appreciative for each of you, but I am. I am, I am, I am. You guys who follow and read and comment along are the reason I continue to do this. Without your support I would have given up years ago... I've been able to connect with so many wonderful people since starting this blog and I don't think I'd be as fulfilled in my life without you all. So thank you for making 2017 another great year. I'm so excited to see where we go from here.
Goals for Next Year: I want to do a more in-depth blog post about this in the New Year but...
-Get back to being great at emails (I've fallen off)
-Plan ahead for when I know life will get busy
-Be more active with my followers
-Continue to grow the blog
-Save more!